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Collections Settings: A Complete Guide to Customization
Collections Settings: A Complete Guide to Customization

This article covers all the customization options in Collections Settings, including access rules, display settings, and user permissions, to help you manage your Collections easily.

Updated yesterday

Collections Settings

In the Collection settings, you can select from several options to customize your end user's experience. A number of these settings are already covered in the Standard Product Settings article so this article will only go over what makes Collections unique.

NOTE: Collections used to be called Product Bundles and Memberships. Now Collections fill the role of both and the Product Bundle and Membership refer to Collection Templates.

Collection Info

These settings help you manage labels and user access. You can use them to change labels and add or remove them as needed. You can also set user access permissions to control who can access specific features or functions. These settings give you total control over the labeling and access levels in your system.

Label Settings

Label settings allow you to specify whether the badge will read as "bundle", "membership", or a custom value you enter in the dropdown menu. The color field is where you will select the color of the badge that will help you and your users tell which products are in which bundle. The color may be selected using a HEX code.

For example, this is how the badges will display for the product "Raising Parrots" when it is in both of the collections beside it.

fig. 1 - in the admin:

fig. 2 - when logged in as an end user:

NOTE: If a User hovers their mouse pointer over the badges of a collection we indicate what products are included in the Collection as a pop-up.

Included Products

This allows you to specify what products are included in the collection. This dropdown option includes:

  • All products = ALL of your standard products will be unlocked for Users.

  • Specific products = ONLY the specified products will be unlocked for Users.

Product Access

This setting allows you to set who has access to this specific collection. This setting dropdown includes:

  • "All users" = ALL logged-in Users will be able to access this collection regardless of their specific user permissions.

  • "Only users that have been granted access" = ONLY logged-in Users that have specifically been granted permission can access this collection.

Delivery Method

How do you want this product delivered?

  • Immediate - all pages are immediately available when a member views this product. If the content menu is enabled, they will be able to click on any page to view that page.

  • User Advanced - All pages except the first will be locked. New pages will unlock when users complete the previous page.

  • Time-delayed - All pages except the first will be locked. The following pages unlock on a predetermined schedule.

NOTE: This will affect how your end users gain access to pages and products within the Collection. If you use the User Advanced delivery method, your users will need to complete all of the products in the order laid out in the Collection's "Content" section.

Advanced Settings

Most of these settings operate the same way as those discussed in the Standard Products Settings article with one exception: Enable user progress tracking.

NOTE: If a setting is different in the Product than within the Collection (eg. it is enabled in one and disabled in the other), then when accessed through the Collection, the Product's setting will be ignored and it will behave using the Collection's setting. If the product is accessed directly through the library instead, then the Product's setting will be used.

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