Admin login URL:
To log in to your CustomerHub application as an Admin, go to:
Enter your username (email) and password.
Forgot your password? Reset it here
User login URL:
Your Users will log in to your CustomerHub site here:
For example, if my CustomerHub app name was "acmeco". Your user login URL would be:
You can always see this URL in the top right of your app.
How do I reset a user's password?
How do I reset a user's password?
Go to the users list and click on the users' name. Click the 3 dots next to the "cancel" button and select "Reset Password". This will send a secure email to the user so they can reset a password.
You can also create a temporary password that your user can use at log in. When a temporary password is used, CustomerHub will prompt the user to create another password before securely logging in.
Why does it keep giving me an "Invalid Credentials" error?
Why does it keep giving me an "Invalid Credentials" error?
There are a few possible reasons why you may be getting an Invalid Credentials error when trying to log into your CustomerHub account.
You have entered your email or password incorrectly - this can also happen if you accidentally include capital letters in your email address.
You might actually be a CustomerHub Classic admin instead of a CustomerHub Next admin - Click here to go to the CustomerHub Classic Help Center
You might be a member of a CustomerHub site instead of an admin - If you do not have a membership site built with CustomerHub and are trying to access a course or product that you purchased from a different company, then you will need to contact that company directly via email.