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Multimedia management

Learn how to upload and management multi-media

Updated over 11 months ago

CustomerHub provides secure multimedia hosting, making it easy to upload and use all your media in one place.

NOTE: CustomerHub is not a file storage service. We only store a web-friendly encoded version of your files, not an exact copy of them.

โš ๏ธ We recommend keeping a backup version of your original files with a different service or on your local device in case you wish to use them elsewhere.

Uploading Multimedia

Method #1

To get started with uploading multi-media go to any product and start editing a page. Select existing media on a page and click "CHANGE" in the left sidebar OR click "Add Content" to add a new media type. The media browser will pop up where you can click the blue "+" icon. This allows you to select files from your local computer. Once you select a file from your computer the file will upload and encode to be optimized for the web.

Method #2

You can also upload multiple files by clicking the cloud (โ˜๏ธ) icon in the top right of the app. This method allows you to select a mix of file types (video, audio, PDF, image, etc.) all at once from your local computer. Once you select a file from your computer the files will queue up and be ready for upload and encoding. Just click "Upload" and the files will process in the background while you work. Check this window for the status of each file.

Add Multimedia to a page

To get started with adding multimedia, go to any product and start editing a page. Select existing media on a page and click "CHANGE" in the left sidebar OR click "Add Content" to add a media type. The media browser will pop up where you can browse the library of media you've already uploaded. Select the media and click "INSERT".

Frequently Asked Questions

How does encoding work?

For videos, the width of the uploaded file will determine the resolution of the encoded version stored on the site. It will be encoded to a resolution of 1920w x 1080h, 1280w x7 20h, 960w x 540h, or 640w x 360h (whichever is closest, rounded down) If for whatever reason the bitrate is too slow at the chosen resolution, then it will be encoded to the next smallest resolution.

For Audios, they are encoded to a .mp3 format and may be encoded to maintain a minimum bitrate.

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