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User Feed ("My Feed")

The My Feed page in CustomerHub allows users to view updates, announcements, promotions, and exclusive content posted by site Admins.

Updated over 5 months ago


The User Feed ("My Feed") page in CustomerHub allows users to view updates, announcements, promotions, and exclusive content posted by the site's Admin users (you or your team members). The feed is a dynamic, social-media-like space that showcases both public and private posts, and allows for interaction through likes and comments.

Here’s a guide on how to navigate and use the features on this page.

The feed can be delivered as a standalone experience using a micro membership model, or to supplement traditional online courses or membership products (delivered via the product library).

The feed is a powerful way to increase engagement with your users, foster a sense of community, and add more value to your CustomerHub website.

To add content to your feed, simply create and publish a post.

Features overview

Viewing Posts

The feed displays posts in chronological order, with the most recent posts at the top. Each post card contains:

  • Image or Video (optional): The main media of the post, which can be a static image or a video.

  • Title: A clear heading to give users an idea of what the post is about.

  • Content: A short description or message related to the post.

  • Call-to-Action Links (optional): Posts may include clickable links prompting users to take specific actions, such as redeeming a promotion or signing up for an event.

  • Post Information: Below the post content, users will find the post date, the author (usually the site’s admin), and an indication if the post is public or private (shown by a lock icon).

Interacting with Posts

Users can engage with each post through two main interaction options:

  • Like: Users can express appreciation for a post by clicking the heart icon. The number of likes is displayed next to it. If they are not logged in, they’ll be prompted to log in when attempting to like a post.

  • Comments: If the post allows comments, users can join the conversation by clicking the comment icon, which displays how many comments the post has received. When clicked, a comment section will appear, allowing users to read or add their own comment.

  • Reply: Users can reply directly to a comment by clicking the reply option below the original comment. This allows them to engage in more specific discussions within a post's comment thread.

Public and Private Posts

  • Public Posts: These posts are available to all users, including those who are not logged in.

  • Private Posts: Marked by a lock icon, these are only visible to logged-in users with the necessary permissions.

Call-to-Action Links

Posts may contain links that prompt users to take specific actions. These Call-to-Action (CTA) links encourage users to engage with offers, announcements, or external resources. Examples of common CTAs include:

  • Promotions: Posts offering discounts or deals might have a "Redeem This Promo" link, which users can click to take advantage of the offer.

  • Sign-ups: Other posts may feature a "Sign Up Now" link for events, courses, or newsletters.

  • External Resources: CTA links can direct users to external pages, such as blogs or partner websites, for more information.

Load More Posts

If there are many published posts, the feed will display the first ten, and users can load more by clicking the Load More button at the bottom of the feed.

Interacting with Media

  • Images: These display at the top of posts and are static.

  • Videos: If the post contains a video, it will automatically include playback controls. Users can click the play button to view the video.

Commenting and Replying on Posts

To leave a comment or reply:

  1. If the post allows comments, users can click the comment icon.

  2. A sidebar will appear where they can add their comment in the text field.

  3. Users can click Submit to post their comment.

  4. To reply to a specific comment, users can click the Reply button under the comment they wish to respond to, type their response, and submit.

  5. If users are not logged in, they’ll need to log in to comment or reply.

Dedicate post page

When users receive any post email notifications they are directed to a dedicated page for that post. This ensures that users view the correct post and can engage most easily and effectively with your new content.

From the dedicated post page, a user can engage directly with the post, or click 'see all posts' to be taken to the "My Feed" page which includes all posts available to them.

Adding the User Feed to your CustomerHub site

For new CustomerHub applications, the "My Feed" page is automatically visible on your site. However, for CustomerHub applications created before March 21, 2023 the "My Feed" page will be hidden by default and must be enabled.

To enable the "My Feed" page, simply go to Settings (the gear icon in the bottom left of your admin), then select "Navigation" from the menu.

From there, the Feed can be enabled by clicking on the menu dropdown for the "My Feed" navigation page, selecting 'Settings' and disabling the 'hide this link' option. The feed page can be managed the same way as any other Navigation Page on the site.

Posts & User feed video overview


  • Missing Posts: If users don’t see a post they expected, check if they are logged in. Private posts require login and appropriate permissions.

  • Like, Comment, or Reply Issues: If users are unable to like, comment, or reply, ensure they are logged in. Additionally, some posts may restrict comments and replies.

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